Pretending It Doesn't Hurt Hurts Twice As Much: Unmasking The Silent Pain


Have you ever heard the saying, "Fingir que no duele duele el doble"?

This Spanish proverb means that pretending not to be hurt only makes the pain worse. It's a reminder that it's important to acknowledge our feelings and deal with them head-on, rather than trying to ignore them.

There are many reasons why we might try to pretend we're not hurt. Maybe we're afraid of seeming weak or vulnerable. Maybe we don't want to burden others with our problems. Or maybe we simply don't know how to deal with our emotions.

Whatever the reason, pretending not to be hurt is never the answer. It only makes the pain worse in the long run. If you're hurting, the best thing you can do is to acknowledge your feelings and allow yourself to grieve. Talking to a trusted friend or family member, or seeking professional help, can also be helpful.

Remember, you're not alone. Everyone experiences pain at some point in their lives. The important thing is to not let it consume you. Acknowledge your feelings, deal with them head-on, and you will eventually heal.

Fingir que no duele duele el doble

The Spanish proverb "fingir que no duele duele el doble" means that pretending not to be hurt only makes the pain worse. It's a reminder that it's important to acknowledge our feelings and deal with them head-on, rather than trying to ignore them.

  • Emotional avoidance: Trying to ignore or suppress our emotions can lead to them becoming more intense and overwhelming.
  • Physical pain: Pretending not to be hurt can lead to physical pain, such as headaches, stomachaches, and muscle tension.
  • Mental health problems: Emotional avoidance can contribute to mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD.
  • Relationship problems: Pretending not to be hurt can damage our relationships with others, as they may feel like we don't trust them or care about them.
  • Spiritual growth: Avoiding our pain can prevent us from growing and learning from our experiences.
  • Self-compassion: Pretending not to be hurt can be a form of self-denial and can prevent us from developing self-compassion.

It's important to remember that everyone experiences pain at some point in their lives. The important thing is to not let it consume us. Acknowledge your feelings, deal with them head-on, and you will eventually heal.

Emotional avoidance

Emotional avoidance is a common coping mechanism that involves trying to ignore or suppress our emotions. While it may seem like a helpful way to deal with difficult emotions in the short term, it can actually lead to them becoming more intense and overwhelming in the long run.

This is because when we avoid our emotions, we are not allowing ourselves to process them and heal from them. Instead, they remain bottled up inside us, where they can fester and grow. Over time, this can lead to a number of problems, including anxiety, depression, and physical health problems.

The Spanish proverb "fingir que no duele duele el doble" means that pretending not to be hurt only makes the pain worse. This is true for emotional pain as well as physical pain. Trying to ignore or suppress our emotions will only make them more painful in the long run.

It is important to allow ourselves to feel our emotions, even if they are difficult. By doing so, we can process them and heal from them. This will ultimately lead to a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Physical pain

The Spanish proverb "fingir que no duele duele el doble" means that pretending not to be hurt only makes the pain worse. This is true for emotional pain as well as physical pain.

When we pretend not to be hurt, we are essentially ignoring or suppressing our pain. This may seem like a helpful way to cope in the short term, but it can actually lead to more pain in the long run.

This is because when we ignore or suppress our pain, we are not allowing our bodies to heal. Instead, the pain remains bottled up inside us, where it can fester and grow. Over time, this can lead to a number of physical health problems, including headaches, stomachaches, and muscle tension.

In some cases, pretending not to be hurt can even lead to more serious health problems, such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer. This is because chronic pain can take a toll on our overall health and well-being.

It is important to remember that pain is a normal part of life. Everyone experiences pain at some point. The important thing is to not let it control our lives.

If you are experiencing pain, it is important to see a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions. Once any medical conditions have been ruled out, you can start to explore different ways to manage your pain.

There are many different ways to manage pain, including medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. It is important to find what works best for you and to be patient with yourself.

Remember, you are not alone. Many people experience pain. With the right help, you can learn to manage your pain and live a full and happy life.

Mental health problems

The Spanish proverb "fingir que no duele duele el doble" means that pretending not to be hurt only makes the pain worse. This is true for emotional pain as well as physical pain. When we pretend not to be hurt, we are essentially ignoring or suppressing our pain. This may seem like a helpful way to cope in the short term, but it can actually lead to more pain in the long run.

Emotional avoidance is a common coping mechanism that involves trying to ignore or suppress our emotions. While it may seem like a helpful way to deal with difficult emotions in the short term, it can actually lead to them becoming more intense and overwhelming in the long run.

This is because when we avoid our emotions, we are not allowing ourselves to process them and heal from them. Instead, they remain bottled up inside us, where they can fester and grow. Over time, this can lead to a number of mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

For example, someone who has experienced a traumatic event may try to avoid thinking about it or talking about it. This may seem like a helpful way to cope in the short term, but it can actually lead to the development of PTSD in the long run.

It is important to remember that pain is a normal part of life. Everyone experiences pain at some point. The important thing is to not let it control our lives.

If you are experiencing pain, it is important to see a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions. Once any medical conditions have been ruled out, you can start to explore different ways to manage your pain.

There are many different ways to manage pain, including medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. It is important to find what works best for you and to be patient with yourself.

Remember, you are not alone. Many people experience pain. With the right help, you can learn to manage your pain and live a full and happy life.

Relationship problems

The Spanish proverb "fingir que no duele duele el doble" means that pretending not to be hurt only makes the pain worse. This is true for emotional pain as well as physical pain. When we pretend not to be hurt, we are essentially ignoring or suppressing our pain. This may seem like a helpful way to cope in the short term, but it can actually lead to more pain in the long run.

This is especially true in our relationships with others. When we pretend not to be hurt by something that someone has said or done, we are essentially sending the message that we don't trust them or care about them. This can damage our relationships and make it difficult to build trust and intimacy.

For example, if your partner says something that hurts your feelings, and you pretend not to be hurt, they may start to think that you don't care about them or that you don't trust them. This can lead to resentment and conflict in the relationship.

It is important to be honest with our partners about our feelings. If we are hurt by something they say or do, we need to tell them. This will help to build trust and intimacy in the relationship.

Of course, there are times when it is not appropriate to express our hurt feelings. For example, if we are in a work meeting or a social situation, it may be better to wait until later to talk about our feelings. However, it is important to find a time and place to express our hurt feelings to our partners.

Pretending not to be hurt only makes the pain worse. It is important to be honest with our partners about our feelings and to work together to resolve any conflicts.

Spiritual growth

The Spanish proverb "fingir que no duele duele el doble" means that pretending not to be hurt only makes the pain worse. This is true for emotional pain as well as physical pain. When we pretend not to be hurt, we are essentially ignoring or suppressing our pain. This may seem like a helpful way to cope in the short term, but it can actually lead to more pain in the long run.

This is also true for our spiritual growth. When we avoid our pain, we are preventing ourselves from growing and learning from our experiences. Pain is a natural part of life, and it is through our experiences with pain that we learn and grow.

For example, if we experience the pain of heartbreak, we may learn the importance of self-love and compassion. If we experience the pain of failure, we may learn the importance of perseverance and resilience. If we experience the pain of loss, we may learn the importance of cherishing the moments we have with our loved ones.

Avoiding our pain only prevents us from learning these valuable lessons. It keeps us stuck in a cycle of suffering and prevents us from reaching our full potential.

If we want to grow spiritually, we need to be willing to face our pain. We need to allow ourselves to feel our emotions and to learn from our experiences. This is not always easy, but it is worth it.

When we embrace our pain, we open ourselves up to the possibility of growth and transformation. We learn to become more compassionate, more resilient, and more loving.

So, if you are experiencing pain, do not try to pretend that it is not there. Allow yourself to feel your emotions and to learn from your experiences. This is the path to spiritual growth.


The Spanish proverb "fingir que no duele duele el doble" means that pretending not to be hurt only makes the pain worse. This is true for emotional pain as well as physical pain. When we pretend not to be hurt, we are essentially ignoring or suppressing our pain. This may seem like a helpful way to cope in the short term, but it can actually lead to more pain in the long run.

Self-compassion is the ability to be kind and understanding towards ourselves, even when we make mistakes or experience difficult emotions. When we pretend not to be hurt, we are denying ourselves the compassion and understanding that we need to heal. This can lead to a cycle of self-criticism and self-denial, which can make it difficult to develop self-compassion.

For example, if we experience a setback at work, we may pretend that we are not disappointed or upset. However, this is only denying ourselves the opportunity to learn from our mistakes and to grow. If we can be compassionate towards ourselves and allow ourselves to feel our emotions, we will be more likely to learn from our experiences and to develop self-compassion.

Developing self-compassion is an important part of healing from pain. When we are compassionate towards ourselves, we are more likely to be patient, understanding, and forgiving. This can help us to cope with difficult emotions and to move on from our experiences.

If you are struggling to develop self-compassion, there are many resources available to help you. You can talk to a therapist, read books on self-compassion, or practice meditation. With time and effort, you can learn to be more compassionate towards yourself and to heal from your pain.

FAQs about "fingir que no duele duele el doble"

The Spanish proverb "fingir que no duele duele el doble" means that pretending not to be hurt only makes the pain worse. This proverb highlights the importance of acknowledging and processing our emotions, rather than ignoring or suppressing them.

Question 1: Why is it important to acknowledge our pain?

Acknowledging our pain allows us to process and heal from it. When we pretend not to be hurt, we are essentially ignoring or suppressing our pain, which can lead to more pain in the long run. Ignoring our pain can also lead to physical health problems, mental health problems, and relationship problems.

Question 2: What are some ways to acknowledge our pain?

There are many ways to acknowledge our pain, including talking to a trusted friend or family member, journaling, or seeking professional help. It is important to find what works best for you and to be patient with yourself.

Question 3: What are some of the benefits of acknowledging our pain?

Acknowledging our pain can lead to a number of benefits, including improved physical health, mental health, and relationships. It can also help us to grow and learn from our experiences.

Question 4: What are some of the risks of ignoring our pain?

Ignoring our pain can lead to a number of risks, including physical health problems, mental health problems, and relationship problems. It can also prevent us from growing and learning from our experiences.

Question 5: How can I be more compassionate towards myself?

There are many ways to be more compassionate towards yourself, including practicing self-care, setting boundaries, and forgiving yourself for your mistakes. It is important to be patient with yourself and to remember that you are not alone.

Question 6: What are some resources that can help me to deal with my pain?

There are many resources available to help you to deal with your pain, including therapy, support groups, and self-help books. It is important to find what works best for you and to be patient with yourself.

Summary of key takeaways:

  • It is important to acknowledge our pain in order to process and heal from it.
  • There are many ways to acknowledge our pain, including talking to a trusted friend or family member, journaling, or seeking professional help.
  • Acknowledging our pain can lead to a number of benefits, including improved physical health, mental health, and relationships.
  • Ignoring our pain can lead to a number of risks, including physical health problems, mental health problems, and relationship problems.
  • There are many resources available to help you to deal with your pain, including therapy, support groups, and self-help books.

Final thought: Acknowledging our pain is not always easy, but it is important. When we acknowledge our pain, we open ourselves up to the possibility of healing and growth.

Transition to the next article section: This article has provided an overview of the importance of acknowledging our pain. In the next section, we will explore some of the specific ways that we can acknowledge our pain and begin to heal.


The Spanish proverb "fingir que no duele duele el doble" means that pretending not to be hurt only makes the pain worse. This proverb highlights the importance of acknowledging and processing our emotions, rather than ignoring or suppressing them.

Acknowledging our pain can lead to a number of benefits, including improved physical health, mental health, and relationships. It can also help us to grow and learn from our experiences. Ignoring our pain, on the other hand, can lead to a number of problems, including physical health problems, mental health problems, and relationship problems.

If you are struggling with pain, it is important to seek help. There are many resources available to help you to deal with your pain and to heal. Remember, you are not alone.

Call to action: If you are struggling with pain, please seek help. There are many resources available to help you to deal with your pain and to heal.

Future outlook: With the right help, you can learn to manage your pain and live a full and happy life.

Significance restatement: Acknowledging our pain is not always easy, but it is important. When we acknowledge our pain, we open ourselves up to the possibility of healing and growth.

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