Rita Flushed Away Costume: A Guide To The Iconic Look


What is a "Rita Flushed Away Costume"?

A "Rita Flushed Away Costume" is a costume based on the character Rita from the animated film "Flushed Away." The costume typically includes a green dress with a white apron, a matching hat, and a pair of white gloves. Some costumes may also include a toy plunger or toilet brush as accessories.

Rita Flushed Away costumes are popular among children and adults who enjoy dressing up as their favorite characters from the film. The costume is also a fun and unique choice for Halloween or other costume parties.

In addition to being a popular costume, the "Rita Flushed Away Costume" has also been used in various marketing and promotional campaigns for the film. The costume has helped to raise awareness of the film and its characters, and has contributed to its success.

Rita Flushed Away Costume

The "Rita Flushed Away Costume" is a popular and unique costume choice for Halloween or other costume parties. The costume is based on the character Rita from the animated film "Flushed Away." Here are five key aspects of the costume:

  • Character: The costume is based on the character Rita from the film "Flushed Away."
  • Design: The costume typically includes a green dress with a white apron, a matching hat, and a pair of white gloves.
  • Accessories: Some costumes may also include a toy plunger or toilet brush as accessories.
  • Popularity: The costume is popular among children and adults who enjoy dressing up as their favorite characters from the film.
  • Marketing: The costume has also been used in various marketing and promotional campaigns for the film.

The "Rita Flushed Away Costume" is a fun and unique way to dress up as your favorite character from the film. The costume is also a great way to show your love for the film and its characters.


The "Rita Flushed Away Costume" is based on the character Rita from the animated film "Flushed Away." Rita is a strong and independent female character who is always willing to help others. She is also a talented singer and dancer. The costume is a great way to show your love for the character and the film.

  • Design: The costume is designed to be as accurate as possible to the character of Rita. It includes a green dress with a white apron, a matching hat, and a pair of white gloves.
  • Accessories: Some costumes may also include a toy plunger or toilet brush as accessories. These accessories are a fun way to add to the costume and make it more complete.
  • Popularity: The costume is popular among children and adults who enjoy dressing up as their favorite characters from the film. It is also a popular choice for Halloween and other costume parties.
  • Marketing: The costume has also been used in various marketing and promotional campaigns for the film. It has helped to raise awareness of the film and its characters, and has contributed to its success.

The "Rita Flushed Away Costume" is a fun and unique way to dress up as your favorite character from the film. It is also a great way to show your love for the character and the film.


The specific design of the "Rita Flushed Away Costume" is significant because it is based on the character's appearance in the film. The green dress with a white apron, matching hat, and a pair of white gloves are all iconic elements of Rita's outfit. By incorporating these design elements, the costume accurately represents the character and allows the wearer to embody her personality and style.

The design of the costume also plays a practical role. The green dress and white apron are made from durable materials that can withstand the wear and tear of costume parties and other events. The matching hat and gloves help to complete the look and add to the overall authenticity of the costume.

Overall, the design of the "Rita Flushed Away Costume" is an important aspect of its overall appeal and effectiveness. By accurately representing the character's appearance and using durable materials, the costume allows the wearer to fully immerse themselves in the world of "Flushed Away."


Accessories play a significant role in enhancing the authenticity and completeness of the "Rita Flushed Away Costume." The inclusion of a toy plunger or toilet brush as accessories is particularly relevant to the character and the film's context.

  • Character Association

    Rita's association with plungers and toilet brushes is deeply rooted in the film's narrative. As a rat living in the sewers, she frequently encounters these tools and uses them to navigate her environment. By incorporating these accessories into the costume, the wearer can embody Rita's character more fully and bring the film's world to life.

  • Practicality

    In addition to their symbolic significance, the toy plunger and toilet brush accessories also serve a practical purpose. They can be used as props during costume parties or role-playing scenarios, enhancing the interactive and imaginative aspects of the costume.

  • Visual Appeal

    The bright colors and playful designs of these accessories add a touch of whimsy and visual appeal to the overall costume. They complement the vibrant green dress and white apron, creating a visually striking and memorable ensemble.

  • Completeness

    The inclusion of these accessories contributes to the overall completeness of the "Rita Flushed Away Costume." They help to create a cohesive and well-rounded representation of the character, ensuring that no detail is overlooked.

In conclusion, the accessories associated with the "Rita Flushed Away Costume," particularly the toy plunger and toilet brush, are not merely decorative additions. They serve multiple purposes, enhancing the character's authenticity, providing practical functionality, adding visual appeal, and contributing to the overall completeness of the costume.


The popularity of the "Rita Flushed Away Costume" can be attributed to several key factors that resonate with a wide audience:

  • Character Appeal

    Rita is a relatable and endearing character who appeals to both children and adults. Her strong personality, sense of adventure, and determination make her a role model for many. By dressing up as Rita, fans can embody these qualities and bring the character to life.

  • Nostalgia

    For adults who grew up watching "Flushed Away," the costume evokes a sense of nostalgia and childhood memories. By wearing the costume, they can relive their favorite moments from the film and reconnect with their inner child.

  • Group Costumes

    The "Rita Flushed Away Costume" is a popular choice for group costumes. Friends or family members can dress up as Rita, Roddy, and the other characters from the film, creating a fun and visually appealing ensemble.

  • Versatility

    The costume is versatile and can be adapted to different settings and occasions. It is suitable for Halloween parties, costume parties, cosplay events, and even everyday dress-up play.

In conclusion, the popularity of the "Rita Flushed Away Costume" stems from the character's appeal, the film's nostalgic value, its suitability for group costumes, and its overall versatility. These factors combine to make the costume a popular choice for individuals of all ages who enjoy dressing up and celebrating the world of "Flushed Away."


The "Rita Flushed Away Costume" has played a significant role in marketing and promotional campaigns for the film "Flushed Away." This strategic use of the costume has contributed to the film's success and popularity.

  • Character Recognition

    The costume's association with the beloved character Rita has allowed marketers to leverage her popularity and appeal. By featuring the costume in promotional materials, marketers can instantly connect with audiences who recognize and adore the character.

  • Brand Awareness

    The distinctive design and colors of the costume make it easily recognizable and associated with the "Flushed Away" brand. Using the costume in marketing campaigns helps to increase brand awareness and recall, ensuring that the film remains in the minds of potential viewers.

  • Merchandise Sales

    The costume's popularity has led to increased sales of merchandise, including toys, plush dolls, and other items featuring Rita's likeness. This merchandising revenue stream provides additional financial benefits to the film's creators and distributors.

  • Cross-Promotion

    The costume has been used in cross-promotional campaigns with other products and brands. For example, the costume has been featured in advertisements for fast-food restaurants and toy stores, creating mutually beneficial partnerships.

In conclusion, the "Rita Flushed Away Costume" has been an integral part of the marketing and promotional efforts for the film "Flushed Away." By leveraging the character's popularity, increasing brand awareness, boosting merchandise sales, and facilitating cross-promotions, the costume has played a crucial role in the film's overall success and cultural impact.

Frequently Asked Questions About "Rita Flushed Away Costume"

This section addresses common questions and misconceptions regarding the "Rita Flushed Away Costume," providing clear and informative answers to enhance understanding.

Question 1: What materials are typically used to make a "Rita Flushed Away Costume"?

Answer: The costume typically consists of a green dress and white apron made from durable fabrics like cotton or polyester. The hat and gloves are often made from matching materials, ensuring longevity and a cohesive appearance.

Question 2: What accessories are commonly included with the costume?

Answer: Some costumes may include a toy plunger or toilet brush as accessories. These playful additions enhance the authenticity of the costume and provide interactive elements for imaginative play.

Question 3: Is the costume suitable for both children and adults?

Answer: Yes, the costume is designed to be versatile and can be enjoyed by individuals of all ages. It is commonly available in various sizes to accommodate different body types.

Question 4: What occasions is the costume appropriate for?

Answer: The costume is suitable for a wide range of occasions, including Halloween parties, costume events, cosplay gatherings, and imaginative playtime.

Question 5: How can I care for and maintain the costume?

Answer: To preserve the costume's quality, hand-washing in cold water and air-drying are recommended. Avoid using harsh detergents or bleach, and store the costume in a dry, protected place when not in use.

Question 6: Where can I purchase a "Rita Flushed Away Costume"?

Answer: The costume can be found at various costume stores, online retailers, and specialty shops. It is advisable to compare prices and reviews from reputable sources before making a purchase.

Summary: The "Rita Flushed Away Costume" offers a fun and creative way to embody the beloved character. Made from durable materials and available with optional accessories, the costume is suitable for individuals of all ages and can be enjoyed at various occasions. Proper care and maintenance will ensure the costume's longevity and enjoyment for years to come.

Transition: Explore the diverse world of costume design and delve into the fascinating history and cultural significance of costumes.


The "Rita Flushed Away Costume" is a multifaceted and captivating representation of a beloved animated character. Its popularity stems from the character's appeal, the film's nostalgic value, and the costume's versatility and adaptability.

Beyond its entertainment value, the costume has also played a significant role in the marketing and promotion of the film "Flushed Away." By leveraging the character's recognition and the costume's distinctive design, marketers have successfully increased brand awareness, boosted merchandise sales, and fostered cross-promotional partnerships.

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