SUNY Oswego Quest: Your Guide To The Latest News And Events


What is SUNY Oswego Quest?

SUNY Oswego Quest is a first-year experience program that helps students transition to college and succeed academically.

The program includes a variety of components, such as:

  • Academic advising
  • Peer mentoring
  • Study skills workshops
  • Cultural events

SUNY Oswego Quest has been shown to improve student retention and graduation rates. The program also helps students develop the skills they need to succeed in college and beyond.

If you are a first-year student at SUNY Oswego, we encourage you to participate in Quest. The program can help you make a successful transition to college and achieve your academic goals.

SUNY Oswego Quest

SUNY Oswego Quest is a first-year experience program that helps students transition to college and succeed academically. The program has five key aspects:

  • Academic advising helps students choose the right courses and stay on track to graduate.
  • Peer mentoring connects students with upper-level students who can provide support and guidance.
  • Study skills workshops teach students how to improve their study habits and time management skills.
  • Cultural events help students connect with the campus community and learn about different cultures.
  • Community engagement opportunities allow students to get involved in the local community and make a difference.

These five aspects work together to help students succeed in college. Academic advising helps students stay on track to graduate, while peer mentoring provides support and guidance. Study skills workshops teach students how to improve their study habits and time management skills. Cultural events help students connect with the campus community and learn about different cultures. And community engagement opportunities allow students to get involved in the local community and make a difference. Together, these five aspects help students make a successful transition to college and achieve their academic goals.

Academic advising helps students choose the right courses and stay on track to graduate.

Academic advising is a key component of SUNY Oswego Quest, a first-year experience program that helps students transition to college and succeed academically. Academic advisors help students choose the right courses, stay on track to graduate, and develop the skills they need to succeed in college and beyond.

  • Course selection

    Academic advisors can help students choose courses that meet their interests and goals. They can also help students avoid taking courses that they don't need or that they're not prepared for.

  • Scheduling

    Academic advisors can help students create a schedule that works for them. They can also help students avoid conflicts between classes and other commitments.

  • Graduation planning

    Academic advisors can help students develop a plan to graduate on time. They can also help students track their progress towards graduation and make sure that they're on track to meet their goals.

  • Skill development

    Academic advisors can help students develop the skills they need to succeed in college. For example, they can help students learn how to study effectively, how to manage their time, and how to get involved in campus activities.

Academic advising is an essential part of SUNY Oswego Quest. By providing students with the support and guidance they need, academic advisors help students succeed in college and achieve their academic goals.

Peer mentoring connects students with upper-level students who can provide support and guidance.

Peer mentoring is an important part of SUNY Oswego Quest, a first-year experience program that helps students transition to college and succeed academically. Peer mentors are upper-level students who have been trained to provide support and guidance to first-year students. They can help first-year students with a variety of tasks, such as:

  • Choosing courses
  • Scheduling classes
  • Getting involved in campus activities
  • Developing study skills
  • Adjusting to college life

Peer mentoring has been shown to have a number of benefits for first-year students. For example, peer mentoring can help first-year students:

  • Improve their academic performance
  • Increase their involvement in campus activities
  • Develop a sense of belonging
  • Make friends
  • Adjust to college life more easily

If you are a first-year student at SUNY Oswego, we encourage you to participate in Quest and connect with a peer mentor. Peer mentors can provide you with the support and guidance you need to succeed in college.

Study skills workshops teach students how to improve their study habits and time management skills.

Study skills workshops are an important part of SUNY Oswego Quest, a first-year experience program that helps students transition to college and succeed academically. These workshops teach students how to improve their study habits and time management skills, which are essential for success in college and beyond.

One of the most important things that students learn in study skills workshops is how to manage their time effectively. Students learn how to create a schedule that works for them and how to stick to it. They also learn how to prioritize their tasks and how to avoid procrastination.

Another important thing that students learn in study skills workshops is how to study effectively. Students learn how to read textbooks actively, how to take notes effectively, and how to prepare for exams. They also learn how to use different learning strategies, such as spaced repetition and active recall.

Study skills workshops are an essential part of SUNY Oswego Quest. By teaching students how to improve their study habits and time management skills, these workshops help students succeed in college and achieve their academic goals.

Cultural events help students connect with the campus community and learn about different cultures.

Cultural events are an important part of SUNY Oswego Quest, a first-year experience program that helps students transition to college and succeed academically. These events help students connect with the campus community and learn about different cultures, which are essential for success in college and beyond.

One of the most important things that students learn from cultural events is how to interact with people from different backgrounds. Students learn how to communicate effectively, how to resolve conflicts peacefully, and how to appreciate different perspectives. These skills are essential for success in college and in the workplace.

Another important thing that students learn from cultural events is how to appreciate different cultures. Students learn about different customs, traditions, and beliefs. They also learn about different ways of life and different ways of thinking. This knowledge helps students to become more open-minded and tolerant.

Cultural events are an essential part of SUNY Oswego Quest. By helping students connect with the campus community and learn about different cultures, these events help students succeed in college and achieve their academic goals.

Community engagement opportunities allow students to get involved in the local community and make a difference.

As part of SUNY Oswego Quest, a first-year experience program, community engagement opportunities play a crucial role in fostering students' involvement in the local community and empowering them to make a meaningful impact.

  • Volunteering

    Students can volunteer their time at local non-profit organizations, soup kitchens, or homeless shelters. This provides them with hands-on experience in addressing social issues, developing empathy, and contributing to the well-being of the community.

  • Community service learning

    Courses incorporate community engagement as a learning component, allowing students to apply their academic knowledge and skills to real-world problems. They engage in projects that address local needs, such as environmental sustainability, education, or health promotion.

  • Internships

    Internships in local businesses, government agencies, or non-profit organizations offer students the chance to gain practical experience, develop their professional skills, and build connections within the community.

  • Community-based research

    Students conduct research projects that focus on local issues, collaborating with community partners to identify and address community needs. This fosters a sense of civic responsibility and promotes evidence-based decision-making.

Through these community engagement opportunities, SUNY Oswego Quest students gain valuable experiences that enhance their personal growth, foster a sense of belonging, and prepare them to become active and engaged citizens.

FAQs about SUNY Oswego Quest

SUNY Oswego Quest is a first-year experience program that helps students transition to college and succeed academically. Here are some frequently asked questions about the program:

Question 1: What is SUNY Oswego Quest?

SUNY Oswego Quest is a comprehensive program that provides first-year students with academic advising, peer mentoring, study skills workshops, cultural events, and community engagement opportunities.

Question 2: What are the benefits of participating in SUNY Oswego Quest?

Students who participate in SUNY Oswego Quest have higher retention and graduation rates. They also develop the skills they need to succeed in college and beyond.

Question 3: How do I apply to SUNY Oswego Quest?

There is no separate application for SUNY Oswego Quest. All first-year students are automatically enrolled in the program.

Question 4: What if I have more questions about SUNY Oswego Quest?

You can contact the SUNY Oswego Quest office at 315-312-2250 or

Question 5: How can I get involved in SUNY Oswego Quest?

There are many ways to get involved in SUNY Oswego Quest. You can attend Quest events, meet with your peer mentor, or participate in one of the many community engagement opportunities.

Question 6: What are the goals of SUNY Oswego Quest?

The goals of SUNY Oswego Quest are to help students succeed in college and achieve their academic goals.

SUNY Oswego Quest is a valuable resource for first-year students. The program provides students with the support and guidance they need to succeed in college.

If you are a first-year student at SUNY Oswego, we encourage you to participate in Quest. The program can help you make a successful transition to college and achieve your academic goals.

SUNY Oswego Quest

SUNY Oswego Quest is a comprehensive first-year experience program that provides students with the academic, social, and personal support they need to succeed in college and beyond. Through academic advising, peer mentoring, study skills workshops, cultural events, and community engagement opportunities, Quest helps students develop the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in college and make a positive impact on the world.

Quest is a valuable resource for all first-year students at SUNY Oswego. The program provides students with the support and guidance they need to make a successful transition to college and achieve their academic goals. We encourage all first-year students to participate in Quest and take advantage of the many opportunities the program has to offer.

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